Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Week 1: 7 1/2 Habits

#1 Begin with an end in mind

I tend to learn for the sake of – without a goal firmly in mind. I also tend to change directions often enough that where I end up is not where I thought I might be when I started. This is generally not a problem in terms of learning, but it does make me feel a bit scattered from time to time. (yeah, I've studied greek, latin, and french and not learned any of them with any degree of mastery...) So we're going to say that this "habit" might be a challenge for me.

Hence the saving grace of making the goal very general - I will endeavor to learn all of the web 2.0 tools that I don't currently have in my toolbox. There! That's an achievable end goal...

I think I do pretty well with the other habits of lifelong learners: I like to play, I view problems as challenges (after a modicum of whining and complaining), I enjoy expanding my learning toolbox and sharing the tools with others. As per my confessions about seldom acheiving complete mastery from #1, I will say that I could be a little less hard on myself (habit #4 - confidence in self as a competent effective learner) but perfectionism is a cross I must bear.

What is it about blogs that makes so many of us share inordinate quantities and levels of information with the world???

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