Wednesday, August 8, 2007

#14 Technorati

How tags work... what do you know, tagging is just like cataloging--the more tags, the easier the object is to find! I read someone's post (sorry I didn't save the link) who is a school library person and he/she (?) was musing about the possibilities for having students tag a reading. Instead of the classic question "what is the main idea," students would share their tags and the teacher would be able to see what the kids were picking up. (pardon the dangling preposition) It's an interesting idea--the cumulative tags would let the instructor know if the lesson had sunk in and if the students were comprehending. I suspect that this is just a new label for a process that teachers have employed before, but technology does allow tag clouds to create a visual representation of ideas (but again, this has been done with construction paper and yarn for years) which can be super useful for visual learners.

Technorati is a great search engine for the blogosphere and I did encounter some very interesting sites. The top_____ sites are interesting to check in with from time to time if only to know what is going on in the bigger pop culture world.

P.S. Yippee for advanced Search options!

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